WORKSHOP: Pengukuran dan Identifikasi Militan Ekstremisme

Working Group Terorisme/Radikalisme Ikatan Psikologi Sosial (IPS) is hosting a 3-day workshop (non-consecutive) about measuring and identifying militant extremists, and how to manage the issue humanely. The workshop was held on the 12th December 2019 and will continue on the 15th of January 2020 and 26th of February 2020. The workshop is held in Bahasa Indonesia.

The workshop’s speakers are the Lab’s head and vice, Prof. Dr Hamdi Muluk and Dr Mirra Noor Milla (feel free to view their complete individual profiles in the Our Team page).

Here are the components of the workshop:

12th December 2019

15th January 2020

26 February 2020

Registration link:

Contact Person: Bidayatul Hidayah (Whatsapp: +62 856 4185 5060)