The Political Psychology Laboratory

Universitas Indonesia

Established in 2008, the Political Psychology Laboratory of Universitas Indonesia is Indonesia’s leading centre for political behavioural studies. By employing research-based methods, we examine how political landscape and nuance shape behaviour as we contribute to the fight against terrorism and violent extremism.

The Political Psychology Laboratory

Recent Publications


PISANG GORENG: Psikologi Sosial Ngajak Ngobrol Bareng

PhD student, Ahmad Naufaulul Umam, hosts a podcast discussing social psychology issues in Indonesia. This is done in collaboration with the Indonesian Association of Social Psychology (Ikatan Psikologi Sosial – IPS).


Tahapan Seseorang Menjadi Teroris – Prof. Hamdi Muluk

Sebulan belakang ini. Indonesia banyak terpapar tindakan tidak bertanggung jawab oleh para Teroris. Namun, kalian tahu ga sih kalau teroris itu muncul melalui step-step tertentu. Mau tau apa aja stepnya ?

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